NCE 2.5.240 - PLUTO

Created on 9/9/2022 1:30:36 PM by NST

Gameworld & Content

  • Increased XP gain permanently (doubled);
  • Some monster will now drop 'constructed' rare weapons:
    • Several bosses (like the Viperking, Chaos Queen) and wasteland monster (like Grim Chaser, several Warbots) can drop those weapons; 
    • Rareparts will still drop;
    • The quality of dropped weapons can be "bad", "normal", "perfect" and even "artifact";

NCE 2.5.186 - Redflash

Created on 7/8/2022 2:06:28 PM by NST

Gameworld & Content

  • Updated the recipe for Stun, Gat Mk2 & Gat Mk3 recipes to make their cost in line with other turrets;
  • Added emergency exit to all Outpost-Undergrounds;
  • Added "Warbot Variations" to the Gameworld:
    • There are 4 different colours for Warbots in the Wastelands now, depending on the sector they are in (Desert, Mountain, Steppe etc.), those new Warbots also got their own Trophy;
    • Added new Warbot Trophies (regarding to the new variations; A desert Trophy can only be looted by Desert Warbots etc.);
    • Tacholytium Titan Warbot (Crahn Epic) got a unique green texture;
  • Added full collection of Antiprotectors to game
    • The rare part version changes from Crahn Antiprotector -> Holy AntiProtector
    • Crahn & blessed versions added to the PSI vendor in PP2


  • Added a new stratcher and Display;
  • Added re-mastered Handscanner model (Apartment Interface / GoGuardian model);
  • Added re-mastered CityCom model;
  • Added re-mastered Warbot textures and models;


APU Anti Modules:
Reverted last update's changes to anti's as they were causing failed casts. Then made the following changes:

Module Psu Use Range Cast Time Effect Duration
Holy Unprotector 200 -> 350 170 -> 120 4 1 -> 3
Holy Anti Shield 150 -> 200 175 -> 130 2 -> 4 1
Blessed Anti Shield 100 -> 300 150 -> 130 3 -> 4.5 1
Crahn Anti Shield 75 -> 400 125 -> 130 3.5 -> 5 1
Holy Anti Heal 150 175 -> 130 2 -> 3 1
Blessed Anti Heal 100 -> 220 150-> 130 3 -> 4 1
Crahn Anti Heal 75 -> 300 125 -> 10 3.5 -> 5 1


  • Increased the cast time of tier 1 Crahn shields from 1.5 -> 4.0 seconds
  • Increased the cast time of tier 2 Blessed shields from 1.5 -> 2.5 seconds
  • Increased the cast time of tier 1 Crahn heal from 1.5 -> 2.5 seconds
  • Increased the cast time of tier 2 Blessed heal from 1.5 -> 2.0 seconds


  • Weight increased from between 12 & 14 to 120
  • Health of turrets reduced reduced by an average of 20%


  • Fixed the amount of FIR armour given by Light Kevlar Boots

The nanite QoL in the last patch had unintended buffs to nanite PE and made it far too easy for even a damage PE to reach the 35% nanite protection cap. The following changes put PE nanite max strength to levels seen before the last patch and have no impact on capped Spy builds.

  • M1 nanite strength per injection reduced by 20%
  • M2 nanite strength per injection reduced by 40%
  • M3 nanite strength unchanged
  • S1 nanite strength per injection reduced by 20%
  • S2 nanite strength per injection reduced by 40%
  • S3 nanite strength unchanged


  • Resist Potion resist values changed from +30 -> +20
  • Dragon Drug resist values changed from +60 -> +30
  • Fixed duration of Thyronol Forte & Thyronol X-Forte

NCE 2.5.161 - Redflash

Created on 6/9/2022 4:44:39 PM by NST

Gameworld & Content

  • Added shortnames CAR & IAR to the AK assault rifles
  • Fixed the text on the Spectre bomber key to read the correct ammo type
  • Mr(s). Jones is now giving out at least 3-Slot modules (Fieldmedic, Preacher, Inquisitor)
  • Added three additional exit-points to Jeriko Fortress


APU Anti Modules:

Module Psu Use Range Cast Time
Holy Unprotector 200 -> 300 170 -> 100 4 -> 8
Holy Anti Shield 150 -> 200 175 -> 100 2 -> 4
Blessed Anti Shield 100 -> 200 150 -> 88 3 -> 6
Crahn Anti Shield 75 -> 200 125 -> 75 3.5 -> 8
Holy Anti Heal 150 -> 120 125 -> 100 2 -> 2
Blessed Anti Heal 100 -> 120 125 -> 88 3 -> 4
Crahn Anti Heal 75 -> 120 125 -> 75 3.5 -> 6


  • Claws (Paw of Bear): Damage weighting changed to PRC/PSN 60/40
  • Junk Knifes (Blackmist Remorse): Damage weighting changed to PRC/PSN 50/50
  • Swords (Blade of Ceres): Damage type changed from PSN to FRC
  • Swords (Blade of Ceres): Damage weighting changed to PRC/FRC 60/40
  • Swords (ZsuZsu): Damage type changed from instant FIR to DoT Fir
  • Swords (ZsuZsu): Damage weighting changed to PRC/PSN 50/50

Warhammer Rocket Launcher:

  • Damage reduced by 25%
  • AoE Radius increased by 18%
  • Rocket speed increased by 33%

Ammo Weight:

  • Rebalanced so that all ammos hold roughly the same damage potential per 1 unit of weight

Stamina Use:

  • Rebalanced so that stam use is more consistent among each weapon type. Stam use more closely follows: Pistol < Rifle < Heavy < Melee (Warhammer & Ionic Pistol stam use unchanged)
  • Stam use increase on AoE weapons
  • Melee stam use reduced by ~15%


  • Increased Monk Armour Mod from 0.35 -> 0.45
  • PE V-4 Dex PA requirement changed from 105 -> 95
  • PE G-6 Dex PA requirement changed from 105 -> 95
  • PE V-4 & G-6 Dex PA resists & skill modifiers rebalanced based on new TL
  • Fixed missing ATH malus on PE Regants PAs

Resist Tools (Mixed):

  • Reduced nanite activity concentration from 12.5 -> 10
  • Reduced stamina use by 50%
  • Increased strength by ~80% (x2 Mixed v3 shots is now enough to reach cap with some tool overcap)
  • Changed short names from RES -> M1, M2, M3

Resist Tools (Singular):

  • Reduced nanite activity concentration from 12.5 -> 5
  • Reduced stamina use by 50%
  • Increased resist duration from 300 -> 360
  • Resist strength increased by ~90% (x1 Singular v3 shot is now enough to reach cap with some tool overcap)
  • Reduced TLs and rebalanced tools accordingly; v1 72 -> 32, v2 86 -> 56, v3 100 -> 80
  • Changed short names from RES -> S1, S2, S3


  • Reduced Stamina Use by 50%
  • Reduced nanite activity duration from 60 -> 10
  • Reduced TL 80 -> 50

NCE 2.5.140 - Redflash

Created on 5/12/2022 4:52:43 PM by NST

Gameworld & Content

  • Fixed duplicated & wrong damage types of Rockets & their Mods;
  • Removed "Tradeskill"- drug from Titan;

Technical & Client Updates

  • Disabled 'Hit Chance modifier' for Burst weapons;


  • Weapons:
    • Accuracy fixed on all weapons (every weapon should now hit approx 95% of shots with a fully closed reticle);
    • Rebalanced weapon damage to take out damage compensation for poor accuracy;
    • Buffed damage of Dex TL100+ weapons damage, the higher the TL the stronger the buff (e.g. TL 101 = 1% buff, TL 108 = 8% buff, TL 115 = 15% buff);
    • Buffed damage to underperforming melee weapons;
    • Buffed damage slightly to APU beam modules;
  • Weapon Burst & Clip sizes:
    • Gatling Cannon, Pistol & Rifle burst size 3 -> 5;
    • Gatling Cannon, Pistol & Rifle clip size 48 -> 50;
    • Doy & Ceres AKs burst size 3 -> 4;
    • Plasma Cannon burst size 3 -> 4;
    • Plasma Cannon clip size 42 -> 40;
  • Weapon Damage-types:
    • Claw of Lizard changed to 60/40 PRC/XRY;
    • Weapon Families capable of Fire primary: Fusion, Laser, Pulselaser;
    • Weapon Families capable of Force primary: Auto Pistols (Anarchist), Assault Rifles (Pain Easer), Gatling, Pump Shotgun (Termi);
    • Weapon Families capable of Poison primary: Junk Rifles (replaced XRY ammo), Nail guns, Ceres Pistol (BH9), Ceres Rifle (AKs);
    • Weapon Families capable of Xray primary: Compressed Plasma (Second Love), Plasma, Plasma Wave, Raygun;
  • DoTs:
    • Ammos with DoTs change Instant / DoT split from: 70/30 -> 50/50;
  • PSI Shield:
    • Crahn PSI Shield TL increased from 40 -> 60
  • Armour:
    • PE Dex Power Armours - Switched AGL malus to ATH malus;
    • Increased the requirements of Viper King armour from 55/60 to 68 STR;
      • Nerf to total resist of the following armour:
      • Battle v3 -3%;
      • Carbon v3 -4%;
      • Duranium v3 -6%;
      • Inquisition v3 -7%;
      • Kevlar v3 -8%;
      • Viper King -9%;
      • Carbon v4 -10%;
      • Duranium v4 -11%;
      • Inquisition v4 -12%;

NCE 2.5.124 - Redflash

Created on 4/16/2022 3:39:04 PM by NST

Gameworld & Content

  • Fixed DRE Contruction Missions TL 110 - 150;

Technical & Client Updates

  • The "Virtual File System" has been completly rewritten;
  • Removed unused Code;
  • Changed the "LootRight text" from: 'LootRights for your NPC kills: Yourself' to 'Current LootRights: Yourself';
  • Fixed a bug, which could lead to Server crashes;
  • Fixed animation bug, FPS Counter and 3rd Person Camera movement at high FPS;



  • Reduced Tank class' armour modifier by 10%; 
  • Reduced all DEX based PE PA's total armour points by approx 9% (V-40 & WoC3 13%);

Holo PA

  • Increase total armour point pool ~6%;
  • Switched the FRC -> FIR (makes more sense from in world & better armour compliments);
  • Switched END bonus to ATH bonus;
  • Redistributed the points from TC: 30, AGL: 30, END: 30 -> TC: 35, AGL: 40, ATH: 15;


  • Increased self damage modifier of AoE (+25% -> +33%);
  • Ionic Pistol: Slowed aim full lock speed by 17%;
  • Ionic Pistol: Reduced base range from 120 -> 100;


  • Crahn PAD 12 -> 11;
  • Blessed PAD 30 -> 22;
  • Holy PAD 54 -> 33;
  • Rare PAD 72 -> 44;
  • Blessed Heal 48 -> 40;
  • Holy Heal 60 -> 50;


Created on 1/7/2022 12:00:25 PM by NST

Gameworld & Content

  • Removed Christmas-related Content (Weather, Santa Bots etc.);

NCE 2.5.92 - Redflash

Created on 12/20/2021 1:40:31 PM by NST

Gameworld & Content

  • Slightly increased drop-chances (Spidercave Boss-loot);
  • Fixed incorrect NPC flags;
  • Added a new Christmas Event Map ("Winter Wonderland");
    • Mr. Jones (Plaza Sector 1) will help you get there, based on your level (Baserank <40 and >40);
  • Updated the regular Christmas scripts;
  • Added three new trophies to the gameworld;
  • Added Snow to several sectors;

NCE 2.5.50 - Redflash

Created on 11/15/2021 1:50:51 PM by NST

Gameworld & Content

  • Increased XP rewards of all JobCenter and Newbie MC5 Missions;
  • Lowered the needed amount of rareparts Jessica wants (JobCenter Mission);
  • Added a new "Aggressor" Dungeon (The Pit, Plaza Sector 3);
  • Assigned Phari (wandering NPC, Plaza Sector 1) a new AI script;
  • Fixed incorrect F8 Text (Rapture Mission, NPC Wieland);
  • Copbots had a special training and learned how to aim;

NCE 2.5.43 - Redflash

Created on 11/4/2021 4:35:33 PM by NST

Gameworld & Content

  • Finster (G08) was able to afford his own tower;
  • Altered Spidercave spawn;
    • Teaminvite should work again;
    • Spiders are not invincible anymore;

Technical & Client Updates

  • Reverted the latest FoV changes to the old FoV-state;
  • Fixed an issue where items lost more condition (during the repair process) than intended;
  • COP AI-script can now be parameterized to make it non-aggressive;

NCE 2.5.36 - Redflash

Created on 10/27/2021 8:09:55 PM by NST

Gameworld & Content

  • Fixed DEF structure inconsistency and deleted unused entries;
  • Altered Spidercave spawn;
  • Altered Halloween Event Dungeon spawn and loot;
  • Added a new weapon (Halloween Event);

Technical & Client Updates

  • Updated dynamic light functions;
  • Updated compiler infrastructure to Visual Studio 2019;
  • Fixed a new bug within brightness calculation;
  • Fixed a new bug within sound volume calculation;
  • Fixed issues in the backend and build environment;
  • Removed a lot of unused code;
  • Fixed text decals (Outpost owner signs for instance);
  • Changed all remaining C files to C++;
  • Set hint to prefer dedicated GPU;
  • Standard video modes (Windowed, Bordered, etc.) are now available for all video adapter;
  • Fixed bug in the particle system;
  • Reimplemented dummy GPU driver for server;
  • Updated the Spidernest AI script;
  • Added a new itemflag "RapidDecay" (not attached to any regular item so far!);