Point Red Catastrophe Averted – Just

Created on 9/24/2017 10:57:54 AM by Chris Friedel

Late last week the Point Red Defence mechanism detected a surge in mutants in nearby sector B-06 and sent out an automated request for assistance.

Brave runners arriving at the scene were witness to an outpouring of Ceres Troopers and other mutants, who had banded together and were approaching the facility.

The reason for this is unclear, though the inferior minds mutants possess makes understanding their motives a difficult - if not fruitless - undertaking. It is possible that the mutants were trying to group up with their kind in Point Red Storage to take refuge, or perhaps simply perform a mindless attack on Point Red and anyone unfortunate enough to be there. To be frank, we’ll never know. Better to shoot to kill than reason with these monstrosities, in my humble opinion.

This, once again, raises the question: Where was City Administration? Where were the Copbots? We'll keep asking this until we receive an answer we can believe.

While policing the city is important work and should take priority, it should be fair to expect a degree of protection near one of the city’s public transport facilities in the wastes. This hub is open to all runners – not to mention close to the city gates – and as such demands better protection.

This reporter is thankful, however, that the ancient defence mechanisms of Point Red came to life, especially being so close to Neocron City. Enquiries to City Administration regarding the operational status of other Wasteland defence mechanisms have been swatted aside.

Fortunately in this instance, runners heeded this call for assistance, with Tatsuya Egawa being the first on the scene. Egawa bravely performed diligent reconnaissance of the sector, relaying positional information and intel to the gathering forces. 

Let’s be clear; these mutants pack a punch, but again their lack of intelligence was betrayed by their aiming - it’s a good job that only a fraction of the rockets they fired hit home, and perhaps explains why Point Red Storage is such a dangerous location - explosions and enclosed spaces are a recipe for disaster for the unprepared runner.

Furthermore, while various additional mutants appeared (Hurlers, Aggressors and the like) it is unknown why the Anarchy Breed decided to invade, though it’s entirely possible that they were simply bored. 

While the mutants are dim-witted creations, the Anarchy Breed do indeed have intelligence. Perhaps it’s time to step up and confront this rogue faction, and demand they fall in line.

With recent attacks upon Neocron by various powerful enemies, these are dangerous times indeed. I would advise carrying that extra medkit, and a clip or two of additional ammunition. I certainly wouldn’t travel alone…

And while I’m here, and talking about the need for additional Medical Kits, may I take a moment to mention the latest offerings at Plaza 1 MediCare! Those kits are as effective as ever! Last week, I tripped in my apartment and banged my head on my desk. I was bleeding, a lot. But just seconds after using one, I was relieved of all pain AND bleeding! And at a price that can’t go wrong, you should check out MediCare, Typherra Memorial, Plaza 1 today! 

I keep two in my cabinet, as I think you can’t put a price on your kids’ safety. How about you?

Chris Friedel
